The Rational Caregiver

How to Protect the Quality of YOUR Life While Taking Care of Other People

I wrote this book to help people who are just starting the caregiver journey or who have lost their way on that path.

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...the one next step you can take right now to give you a clear sense of how empowered, in-control, and alive you feel in your life now. 

Hi, I'm Deborah!

I’m inviting you to take a rational approach to the grace you want to achieve where you can feel comfortable with your assignment. And how you will find the resources to help you keep it that way.

The Rational Caregiver Framework you will learn about from my book has grown from a rich variety of my experiences as an educator and a family caregiver and professional life coach.


Sneak A Peek...

Scroll through this sneak peek of The Rational Caregiver. At the end, you can unlock the entire introduction for FREE!

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I’m 60 years old, and I don’t want to live this way anymore. 

If nothing changes, I will surely die. At least, that’s what the statistics told me in 2012. 

A Family Caregiver Alliance survey revealed that elderly female caregivers face a 63% greater risk of death than their non-caregiver counterparts.

The stark reality of that grim statistic got my attention.  

It is far from uncommon to find that elderly female caregivers die early. There are other surveys with frightening premature death rates ranging from 30% to 70%, usually from causes such as heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic disorders.

I already had diabetes. 

I could no longer allow my husband’s untreated mental health problems to push me any further toward an early demise.. 

It’s the beautiful season of fall in mid October outside. But inside, our home is a garbage dump of binge hoarding. Much of it is soiled, ruined, and in need of repairs he refused to make or let others take care of. He insisted I could live with the mice and bugs and water raining in. 

That was what I was facing 12 years ago.

unlock the rest of the INTRODUCTION for free!


I’m 60 years old, and I don’t want to live this way anymore. 

If nothing changes, I will surely die. At least, that’s what the statistics told me in 2012.


I’m 60 years old, and I don’t want to live this way anymore. 

If nothing changes, I will surely die. At least, that’s what the statistics told me in 2012.


The Rational Caregiver:

How to Protect the Quality of YOUR Life While Taking Care of Other People

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